Killzone 2 Save Game Ps3
I will try this out later once I get the ps3 free and see how I get on. I found a 100% platinum Killzone 2 save file that I have to 'do 1 more of. Want to buy Cheap PC games, PS3 XBOX 360 Link below. Classic Game Room HD - KILLZONE 2 review PS3 part 1 - Duration: 7:39. 80s Comics 841,326 views. Killzone 2 Review - Duration: 4:09.
Two years after the Helghast assault on Vekta, the ISA is bringing the fight to the enemy’s home world of Helghan. Killzone 2 has amazing visuals, an intense campaign, and extraordinary online play that will keep you coming back for more easily making it a must-have for PS3 owners.
GenreFirst-Person Shooters
Platforms ps3
Killzone 2 Reviews ps3 review
Killzone 2 everything it’s meant to be? Does it live up to the hype? Of course it does, and thus it absolutely warrants a 5/5 score. It has its frustrating moments, it has its fair share of dull, lifeless blasting and, yes, it would have benefitted from a co-op option, but the problems are few and far between and stand out more because we so desperately wanted this to be flawless. For the most part Killzone 2 is utterly, mesmerisingly brilliant and polished to perfection: the gunplay is solid, the controls, once tuned to your liking are superbly weighted and intuitive and the action, when good, is relentless. Time will tell whether or not the single player campaign will be held in as high regard as we’d all want it to be, but right here, right now, this is as good as it gets.
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Visually, Killzone 2 is almost on a league of its own. Godex ez 2 driver for mac free. The environments have tons of extremely detailed objects, complex architecture, and amazing textures all brought to life by a stellar lighting engine. The weapons have fantastic models and enemies respond to being shot with lifelike animations that show that they really felt pain. There are small touches, too, like the way your shield cracks or the way fire reacts to wind push Kilzone 2 into a league of its own.
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The other problem is the story is incredibly straight forward. Space operas like this usually throw twists and turns with some undercurrents of intrigue until the end but Killzone 2 is your balls-to-the-wall gunfest. You don’t play a complex or conflicted character; you are a badass looking to kick some ass in the name of good. There are pivotal moments but Killzone 2 keeps it simple and safe for the story.
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The Killzone franchise has a checkered past. The first installment rode a wave of hype (not unlike the wave this game is riding) right into a wall of disappointment. Some hated the game’s loose controls. Some hated the moronic AI. Some hated the glitches and slow-down that the game suffered from. A good soundtrack and interesting ideas won’t carry a game though, and the original Killzone not only didn’t meet the unreasonable expectations that the hype-wave had created. It didn’t even meet the reasonable expectations held by those who just wanted a quality shooter for their PlayStation. review
The campaign takes you through a great-looking variety of messed up environments as you hunt down stolen nukes and attempt to seize the enemy’s stronghold. The game’s effects really help sell the Helghast homeworld as a total hellhole, with just about everything that resembles nice, civilian architecture already reduced to some form of rubble. High winds circle and swirl dust and smoke in the air, giving the entire game a hazy look that helps convey the feeling of being on the battlefield. That haze makes distant enemies a little tough to see at times, which makes for a great, dreadful atmosphere. Even when you’re marching straight across a bridge, you’re never quite sure where the enemy is going to be coming from next. Once you’ve spotted the enemy, they’re never too tough to deal with as long as you’re a straight shooter. The AI isn’t fantastic, but it makes up for that with quantity, and–if you’re playing on a harder difficulty setting–accuracy and resiliency, as well.
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This began after playing Killzone 2 for a few hours on normal, when I began to feel that it was pretty average– not more of the same, per say, but not living up to its hype either. Pretty, yes. Gunplay, good. Enemy AI, competent. Feeling bored at this point, I thought I’d have fun with it and started a new campaign on hard– as well as having turned off all HUD elements, down to the reticule.
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Scale has a role in creating this epic appeal, yet it comes about more from the masterful way that Killzone 2 invokes atmosphere. Stunning visual craftsmanship lends an oppressive air to Helghan and its people. Fighting in the shanties of Pyrrhus City provides a sense of the hardship behind the masks of the enemy. The Helghast share an indescribable quality with history’s most hated villains, the Nazis, both characterized by a sense of maniacal grandeur in their slow marches to destruction. Graphically, this is an amazing game; however, it’s extraordinary not because of the high definition detail but rather in the way in which that visual palette is used to infer meaning and characterize the Helghast. Frankly, much of the game is shrouded in darkness, reducing the amount of visible detail. That does more to heighten the visual impact of the game than if every glossy texture were lighted up for display.
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Guerilla clearly spent a lot of time on the multiplayer portion of Killzone 2, as few other games offer the same amount of depth in character customization. You can equip up to two different badges, and every badge offers different abilities to suit your style (read Sam’s preview for a breakdown of how this class system works). And as discussed in the 1UP Show Killzone 2 segment, the game cleverly handles matches; instead of having you play a search and destroy match, get taken out of the game, and then switch to another match for assassination, all gameplay variants occur spontaneously. This creates a thrilling sense of momentary confusion as you switch between game types, mimicking the chaos you experience on the single-player battlefield. Depending on which game types are included in each game, matches generally take around 20 minutes to finish.
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The audio matches the visual as there are distinct weapons for each gun. As I got towards the end of the game I could tell which type of Helghan troops I was fighting by the sound of their weapons. From the rapid fire vipping of the heavy machine gun to the whooshing sound of an incoming rocket help bring the battlefield to life. Some of the voice over work is spotty but Brian Cox delivers a solid performance as Scolar Vissari . Some of the dialog in the game is a bit on the generic side but it’s not as bad as the forced machismo of Gears of War 2. The soundtrack of the game is also strong and provides the right tone to the game. I’m not saying we’re at the John Williams soundtrack level but the music does add a bit to the game.
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My last objection isn’t much of an objection at all, just an annoyance. As you play through the game, you’ll start to notice that there are points in each level where the game auto saves and sets up a checkpoint for you, just in case you die in the fights ahead. How is that a problem? It isn’t, but the key word in that sentence is “notice.” At every check/save point, Killzone 2 freezes for about .5 seconds to save, load or whatever. It doesn’t affect anything when it comes to the gameplay, but the pause is very noticeable. In a game where the cutscenes and the game flow together so flawlessly, this seems like a problem that could and should have been addressed before the game was released.
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The jaw-dropping visuals are wonderfully offset by richly layered sound effects and atmospheric accents that create such a tangible texture of in-game audio that suspension of disbelief is all-but guaranteed throughout. Whether it’s the pleasing resonance of gunfire and jarring explosions, or the throaty death rattles of agonised Helghan and the disturbing howl of airborne ATAC drones, the sheer wall of sound perfectly compliments Killzone 2’s graphical prowess without the two ever struggling for superiority. And, as if that weren’t enough, a massive orchestral score matches the incessant all-action gameplay at every turn thanks to a procession of rousing battle themes that will effortlessly justify the excessive spending of anyone who recently invested in an upper tier surround-sound system.
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Another thing it’s the average storyline. It’s obvious that the developers spent more time working on the technical part of the game rather than taking care of the script and the story which is probably the most important thing in a videogame and especially in a game like Killzone 2, a game set to emerge as a reference for future first person shooters. Don’t get me wrong, is not that the storyline is bad…is just that I expected a more emotionally and grabbing storyline rather than a simplistic good guy/bad guy thing, which can easily explain why the game’s campaign is relatively short (between five and eight hours no matter which difficulty you’re playing except “Eliteâ€). Sure a second play through at the hardest difficulty could give you some kind of challenge but seriously, those who like a really good storyline will feel a bit left out. Add the fact that the A.I isn’t always at its best; its inconsistency can drive you mad at times, especially during the big fights. Sometimes the Helghast will use different flanking tactics; sometimes it will kill itself after shooting at an explosive tank. You’re A.I partners will take a defensive position to counter-attack the enemies’ offensive maneuvers, other times they will stay in front of you while you’re shooting or they will expose themselves after a terribly wrong usage of cover. The lack of a co-op mode would have helped this whole thing a lot better but in the end, the inconsistency can be experienced by only those who play lots of first person shooters. The masses won’t notice it that much.
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The gripe some people will have with Killzone 2 revolves around its default control scheme, which is a little sluggish. It does offer other button mapping layouts and when the game’s action ramps up, some players might seek that added responsiveness. However moving your character at breakneck speed wasn’t something that the developers were going for. Almost all first-person shooters move at some crazy speed. It’s fair to say Killzone 2 makes you feel this is the speed you would be moving if you were lugging around a large gun like that.
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Luckily, you are almost always accompanied by at least one of your squadmates, all of whom act as more than the typical FPS bullet sponge. For the most, part your allies will play it smart, taking up sound tactical decisions and covering your back while you separate a few Helghast from their conscious existence. However, there are times when your buddies will prove that AI has only come so far, and once in a while, they’ll rush right out into the middle of an assault or charge a machine gun nest for no reason other than the next objective marker is beyond the enemy line. While these moments are fairly rare, it’s still a pain to have to clean up their mess and revive them as their whiny asses slowly crawl around the battlefield, bellyaching about how much they’re bleeding.
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It’s a shame that Killzone 2 can’t simply stand on its own and shirk the responsibility that die-hard Sony fans have unfairly heaped upon it, because this is definitely a game that deserves to be taken on its own merits, free from fanboy rage.
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The lack of story telling combined with worn-out and tedious gameplay left me with the impression that Killzone 2 tries to assume the identity of its competitors but fails to come anywhere close. Every moment I spent in the campaign was met with nothing but boredom and frustration, but at least it has a superb multiplayer.
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To be specific its relatively slow movement, realistic damaging modelling (i.e. one or two shots and you’re dead) and an emphasis on cover is most reminiscent of Black or F.E.A.R.
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The context of nuclear weapons and needing the launch codes is thrown in, but Gamestyle never played too much attention, with both races being extremely advanced, it seemed ridiculous that the Helghast couldnt call upon such weaponry themselves. The storyline is threadbare and sees you taking the role of Alpha team member, Sergeant Tomas Sev Sevchenko, an elite squad thrown into the main thrust of the invasion.
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The road to Killzone 2 was almost certainly a difficult one fraught with unrealistic expectations defined by its infamous E3 2005 pre-rendered trailer - but despite the odds, developer Guerrilla Games managed to produce one of the most visually striking games of the generation. Even today, Killzone 2 stands head and shoulders above most games released for PlayStation 3 in terms of both technical ambition and artistic vision. Revisit the game yourself and see what I mean - it still looks stunning.The original Killzone released on PS2 in 2004 to average reviews, but there was a spark there that suggested the potential for something greater. The atmosphere was thick and the visuals ambitious for the platform, animation on weaponry was remarkably robust and the game even featured multiple playable characters. Unfortunately, Killzone is ultimately let down by a remarkably choppy frame-rate and often poor mission design, but for many, the Killzone name and Guerrilla Games itself only took centrestage at E3 2005 with the reveal of PlayStation 3.This now infamous trailer showcased a level of detail and fidelity unlike anything we could imagine at the time and for good reason - the trailer was completely pre-rendered and, according to Guerrilla, was never intended to represent the final game.
Indeed, some sources tell us it was never meant for public consumption. The Amsterdam-based studio barely had a single triangle displaying on PS3 devkits at the time, but thanks to a comment made by Sony exec, people were led to believe it was real. As a result, this trailer potentially made development of the game more difficult for the team with public expectations centered around a piece of media that simply wasn't representative of what could be achieved. It would be two years before we saw Killzone 2 again, and three-and-a-half years before the final game would emerge.At E3 2007, Killzone 2 received its first proper reveal with a new look at the game running on actual PlayStation 3 hardware. No, it didn't match that pre-rendered trailer but the team got closer than anyone could have imagined in terms of pulling off the look and feel. In fact, from a pure artistic vision point of view, I'd say the team exceeded expectations. Killzone 2 looked tremendously impressive, while the final product - released in 2009 - proved to be something very, very special indeed, especially from a technology perspective.Killzone 2 was a stunning showpiece for the PlayStation 3, sporting large environments with a visual focus on post-processing, dynamic lighting and alpha effects.
It was phenomenal. These days, describing something as dark or gritty is typically met with a raised eyebrow but it's fundamental to Killzone 2's aesthetic - and it works beautifully. There is an overwhelming sense of dread throughout the game: thick, billowing clouds fill the skies, flashes of lightning briefly illuminate the scene, powerlines violently whip across city streets and particles float effortlessly through the ash filled air.
As your boots hit the ground, a carefully designed camera bob simulates movement through the environment while a strategically applied depth of field effect is used to accentuate the weapon model. Every motion of your hands is perfectly realised - every reload perfectly executed.
It looks remarkable in action, even today.One of the key goals when designing Killzone 2 was to deliver realistic and distinctive lighting, enabling a huge number of dynamic lights per scene. To achieve this, the team developed an engine designed to utilise the PlayStation 3 hardware effectively - this means leveraging the Cell processor's satellite SPUs to aid the underpowered RSX whenever possible, while keeping memory requirements reasonable. The SPUs are used for elements such as particles, skinning, triangle culling, image based light generation and more.When Killzone 2 shipped, deferred rendering in games was still relatively new in shipping games and this game highlighted some of the benefits. By utilising a separate buffer, known as a G-buffer, to store image information pertaining to different passes such as depth, normals, albedo and the like, some new possibilities are opened.
The primary advantage centres on decoupling scene geometry and lighting. Lights are slow when using pure forward rendering as each light requires an extra pass and thus more processing time. The deferred approach used here allows the artists to pack each area with lots of dynamic lights without a huge performance cost.As a result, lights are everywhere. Every single enemy and friendly includes individual point lights affixed to their combat attire while explosions and gunfire produce huge bursts of light all around the battlefield. Lights can be included all over and it greatly contributes to the unique look and feel of the game. Of course, deferred rendering doesn't play nicely with transparencies, so for things like smoke particles and fire, a second forward pass is used after the lighting pass. Some might say that it's a very 'forward'-looking approach.
Deferred lighting splits image processing into depth, normals, albedo and specular.What I love about the dynamic lights in Killzone 2 is that many of them can cast shadows. No matter where you are in the world, the muzzle flash from your weapon always casts shadows from both dynamic and static objects. The same is true for the flashlight available on the shotgun. Muzzle flash shadows are still relatively uncommon in modern games so to see this in a 2009 release is quite a treat.The world, however, uses a mixed solution with static scene geometry using pre-computed light-maps.
This tried and tested method of world lighting works well here - time of day is never dynamic, so Guerrilla's artists were able to generate very dramatic scenes. The approach to baked lighting also takes care of ambient occlusion on static objects - this is a game that lacks real-time screen-space AO, which was only just starting to appear in console games in 2009, but it doesn't feel flat in the same way as games like Insomniac's Resistance 2.And everything is viewed through a very dynamic first-person point of view. Every gunshot is punctuated with a burst of light as the barrel snaps back and shell casings fly off to the side. Every weapon has a remarkably detailed reloading animation and the level of detail visible across each weapon remains impressive to this day.
Actions such as climbing ladders receive detailed first-person animation while one section has you commanding a mech across the battlefield with a detailed cockpit that sways realistically as you stomp around the battlefield.Killzone 2 introduces iron sights to the series as well - something that had become popular following games such as Call of Duty 4 and Crysis. I love the animation used for scoping in and out in Killzone 2 and the application of depth of field further enhances this. The weapon model is also designed to situate itself based on proximity to certain surface - when using the cover system, for instance, your character adjusts his rifle based on position.
There are other camera effects used to enhance the presentation: lens flares are used in conjunction with bright sources of light while dirt and debris collect on the camera. Killzone 2 does seem to lack full body awareness, which would be added in Killzone 3, but it still conveys the sensation of being anchored to the world. At least your character can cast shadows across the environment.
Key to Killzone 2's success was offloading some traditionally GPU-based tasks to the Cell's SPUs.Speaking of characters, the rest of the cast appears quite detailed for a 2009 first-person shooter, though they don't hold up quite as well as the weapon models. From a 2019 perspective, it's clear that the texture work and shading look a touch dated now, but they still work within the artistic design of the game. The smooth animation of friendly and enemy characters adds tremendously to the presentation. Per-object motion blur is used on everything to enhance fluidity.
The shutter speed is low, but it remains mostly artefact free.Really, though, what makes Killzone 2 look so great in motion goes beyond individual animations and effects - it's the sheer volume of interactive objects in the world and the way they work in conjunction with combat that works so well. There's also the selective destruction where a layer of geometry is applied to certain objects that can be blown apart during combat. It's limited but it adds a lot to the combat experience. Then there are some really nice sparks and other effects that bounce off surfaces realistically, while debris is generated from shooting stone and dirt.It's the same story with enemy behaviour and animation. Inverse kinematics are present, allowing proper foot placement on sloped surfaces. Helghast foes flee for cover and generally behave in interesting ways. Compared to Call of Duty, where enemies would function as pop-up targets most of the time, the Helghast are active and move around during combat.
You can also shoot off enemy helmets and the way they react to heavy gunfire is just excellent. There's a sense of weight to the enemies lacking in many other shooters from this era.There are plenty of other cool visual effects included throughout that also deserve a mention. The scanline filter applied to various screens throughout the game is gorgeous revealing the individual RGB elements of these displays.
Then there are the fake volumetric light shafts - this was made prior to things like screen-space crepuscular rays and true volumetric lighting would have been too demanding at this point, no doubt, though Naughty Dog did come up with a neat solution for Uncharted 3. Some areas of Killzone 2 even use parallax occlusion mapping - a technique that only really became commonplace in the current generation. Moreover, Killzone 2 runs at a full 720p with 2x MSAA. It's the quincunx variety but, in this case, the slight blur is beneficial and helps produce a smoother, more filmic overall image, bolstered by the application of a layer of film grain. Overall, Killzone 2 is a huge accomplishment in terms of bringing deferred rendering to the forefront, and in its use of cinematic special effect. There's just nothing else quite like it.Of course, that's not to say that everything is quite perfect.
As impressive as the game looks, the frame-rate isn't always on point. Basically, the game targets 30 frames per second and it often reaches it but heavy combat sequences, can see noticeable drops, but at the same time, this is the PlayStation 3 and many other shooters from this generation, save for Call of Duty, struggled to hit 30fps.
Last gen was much worse in terms of holding a stable frame-rate than the PS4 and Xbox One are, that's for sure. So, with that in mind, performance isn't really half bad. Killzone 3, though, offers an improvement in this area.So, for all the visual talk then, how does the game itself hold up ten years on?
Revisiting Killzone 2 is an interesting experience. This is a game built during the height of the Call of Duty craze where campaigns were often very linear and focused on very specific sections. Killzone 2 somehow falls right between Call of Duty 4 and Halo. It's not as scripted and you have more agency to move around the battlefield during combat, but it lacks the wide-open feeling of Halo.It also has one serious problem that continues to plague the game to this day - input lag. There is a ton of input latency in this game and it doesn't feel responsive to play at all, which made getting through it somewhat of a chore at points. Either way, this was never fully addressed until Killzone 3 which features much snappier controls all around.Indeed, the sequel revamps the Killzone formula significantly.
There is a shift in focus from the heavily post-processed, oppressive look of Killzone 2 to something a little brighter. There's more colour in the presentation, the MSAA has been replaced with post-process MLAA which results in a more aliased image with more shimmering, while elements like muzzle-flash shadows are mostly missing. Many of the smaller details in Killzone 2 have been eliminated in pursuit of a larger game world and a more complex mission design. It's a gorgeous game in its own right and the team made a lot of steps in the right direction, but it's lacking that certain spark that makes Killzone 2 feel so unique.And with that in mind, it's such a shame that Killzone 2 exists solely on PlayStation 3. Across this generation, many of the greatest PlayStation 3 games received ports to PS4 and Pro - a 60fps collection featuring Killzone 2 and 3 would have been an amazing remaster to receive.
For now though, Killzone 2 lives only on PS3 and there it will likely remain. It's not a perfect game and its initial reveal was misused by Sony, deceiving fans worldwide.
However, with the final release, Guerrilla Games triumphed, delivering one of the most fascinating shooters of the generation.