Gamecube Controller Cable Pinout
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The N64 Hori-mini and white Gamecube controller with extra long cable work! The Gamecube keyboard is supported since version 2.9.
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Game Console RGB SCART Cable DiagramsGame Console RGB SCART Cable DiagramsFor anyone unfamiliar with what RGB video is see this.SCART pinouts and signal info can be found.SCART (aka Peritel or Euroconnector) cables for home videogame consolesaren't standard, they are different for each console. The manufacturershave taken fulladvantage of this and, in what I assume is an effort to save a few cents,often placenecessary components (esp. Coupling capacitors) of the RGB output circuitinside the SCARTcable. Since only a small fraction of people who own a console use/requirea SCART cableit slightly reduces the overall cost.This page contains circuit diagrams to aid anybody wantingbuild/repair/adapt these cables, as well as pinouts and a shortdescription of the RGBvideo output (75 ohm driver) circuit. Enjoy.NotesTVs with SCART inputs are only common in Europe andAustralia (mainlybecause we share a similar TV standard (thus TV designs) with most ofEurope and the TVmanufactures just leave the connectors in place). If you are from asomewhere where TVswith SCART inputs are rare then don't despair, some of the upper marketTVs offer RGBinput in the form of 4 phono sockets, one for each colour and one forcomposite sync.
Ifsuch a TV can't be found for a reasonable price, then look around for anold RGB computermonitor that is compatible with the TV horizontal scan frequency, such asthe commodore1084 monitor. Alternatively, if a suitable monitor can't be located andyou're good withelectronics, then consider building a adapter.The SCART spec states that to switch to RGB mode the CVBSStatus pin mustbe fed 12V and the RGB Status (aka Fast Blanking) pin be fed 1-3V. Somegames consolesonly output 5V which may or may not be adequate. If the TV doesn't switchand there is noway to manually force a 'video mode' (such as a button on the remotecontrol) then anexternal 12V supply may be required.
In cases where the TV is a widescreenmodel or has awidescreen mode feature, applying only 5v to the RGB Status pin may forcethe TV into 16:9widescreen mode.In the diagrams I have drawn all the SCART ground pinsconnected together.This isn't required but it's a good idea to connect to at least two groundpins (usually17 and 18). If you're using mini-coax to connect the RGB video(recommended if the cableis going to be long) then ground pins 5, 9 and 13 provide handy places tosolder theshield. The reverse applies to the console end of the cable. I've onlydrawn one groundconnection but it may be a good idea make use of other ground connections(if there areany).Cables which run video and audio signals together without aseperatingshield around the audio wires may cause an annoying 50 or 60hz buzzingsound in the audiowhich vaires in volume with the picture content.
This is caused by thecapacitive couplingof the two wires running next to each other. The longer the cable is themore capacitancebetween the wire. The best way to avoid this is to run a seperate cablesfor audio andvideo join them together again at the SCART end.The DiagramsA/V output comes from an 8 pin female 'U' DIN connector. Pinouts are: 1audio, 2ground, 3 composite video, 4 +5V DC, 5 green video, 6 red video, 7composite sync, 8 bluevideo. RGB output circuit: Sony CXA1145 video encoder IC - outputs comestraight from thechip.A/V comes from a female 9 pin mini DIN connector. Signals are the same asthe originalMegadrive with the addition of stereo audio. Pinouts are: 1 blue video, 2+5V DC, 3 greenvideo, 4 composite video, 5 composite sync, 6 audio mono, 7 red video, 8audio left, 9audio right, and the metal shield is ground.
RGB output circuit:CXA1145/CXA1645/KA2195/MB3514 video encoder IC - outputs come straightfrom the chip.Connector is a 10 pin mini-DIN type. While it's a standard connector, it'sextremely rareso don't expect to be able to buy one from the local electronics shop (oranywhere forthat matter). The Saturn puts out luma/chroma (s-video) as well as theusual RGB/CVBS.Pinouts: 1 composite sync, 2 audio right, 3 audio left, 4 +5V DC, 5 redvideo, 6 greenvideo, 7 blue video, 8 composite video, 9 luminance, 10 chrominance. RGBoutput circuit:signal comes out a CXA1645 through a 75 ohm resistor and a coupling cap.Utilises a proprietary connector for A/V out. Supports CVBS, RGB (TV), RGB(VGA, req.adapter) and luma/chroma. Pin 7 must be connected to ground to enable RGB.Pinouts: 1ground, 2 audio right, 3 audio left, 4 +12V DC, 5 +5V DC, 6 RGB (VGA)select, 7 RGB (TV)select, 8 vertical sync (for VGA), 9 horizontal sync (for VGA), 10composite sync, 11chrominance, 12 luminance, 13 composite video, 14 blue video, 15 greenvideo, 16 redvideo.
RGB output circuit: proprietary DAC.For some unknown reason the RGB output circuits differs between the NTSCand PAL consoles.As a result the cables are different too (though I somehow doubt Nintendohad anyintention of releasing a SCART lead for the NTSC SNES).Proprietary A/V connector. Pinouts: 1 red video, 2 green video, 3 +12V DC,4 blue video, 5ground, 6 ground, 7 luminance, 8 chrominance, 9 composite video, 10 +5VDC, 11 audio left,12 audio right.
RGB output circuit:Pinout is the same as above with the exception of pin 3 which is compositesync instead of+12V. RGB output circuit:Nintendo are up to their old tricks again. The PAL console outputs RGB butnot s-video andthe NTSC model outputs s-video but not RGB.
Therefore this cable will onlywork on a PALGamecube. However, it is possible to get RGB from an NTSC Gamecube bymodifying theofficial component video cable. Here are some guides to the procedure: link fixed linkfixedProprietary A/V connector. Pinouts: 1 red video (PAL only), 2 green video(PAL only), 3+12V DC, 4 blue video (PAL only), 5 ground, 6 ground, 7 luminance (NTSConly), 8chrominance (NTSC only), 9 composite video, 10 +5V DC, 11 audio left, 12audio right.
RGBoutput circuit: proprietary DAC.Like the Gamecube, RGB video is only available from the PAL Wii.Proprietary A/V connector (different to the proprietary A/V socket used onpreviousnintendos). Pinouts: 1 left audio, 2 right audio, 3 composite video, 4 +5vDC, 5 ground, 6ground, 7 red video (luminance/NTSC), 8 mode select, 9 green video(chrominance/NTSC), 10mode select, 11 blue video, 12 ground, 13 +12v DC. Pins 14-16 are forsomething called aJapanese D-Terminal Cable. Mode select pins are normaly left unconnected.When they areconnected together, component video (YUV/YPbPr) will output from pins 7, 9and 11 in placefor RGB/S-video.
The DC voltage on pin 13 will drop to 5v for widescreengames (will it?).Propriety connector. Pin outputs: 1 ground, 2 audio left, 3 ground, 4audio right, 5luminance, 6 composite sync, 7 chrominance, 8 ground, 9 blue video, 10 +5VDC, 11 redvideo, 12 green video.RGB output circuit: signal comes from a CXA1645 and a through a 75 ohmresistor.Female 8 pin 'C' DIN connector. Pinouts: 1 audio mono, 2 ground, 3compositevideo, 4 +5V DC, 5 green video, 6 red video, 7 composite sync, 8 bluevideo.
The Ritual in Elder Scrolls Online, is a minor Constellation located within The Mage Constellation. In the Champion System in Elder Scrolls Online, it provides the player with passive abilities that increase Physical Damage. There is also a Mundus Stone that when activated, increases healing effectiveness by 10%. Players may spend up to 100 points in each Passive Skill (Star) in this. A Walk Above the Clouds is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online. Quick walkthrough Hint: To perform the ritual, you must light the candles in proper order., Hint: To perform the ritual, you must light the candles in proper order., Unlock the Temple Door, Look for the Dragon Priest. Eso perform the ritual. Now it is time to perform the ritual. Nordahl's summoning circle is to the left of the tent where you found the geode. You need to light the candles according to the order in the grimoire: east, west, north, then south. Use the ritual bowl, place the hide on the pike, then use the animus geode. You have just summoned Nordahl's spirit.
RGB outputcircuit: signal comes out a CXA1145/MB3514, through a 75 ohm resistor anda coupling cap.Propriety connector. Pinouts: 1A audio left, 2A audio ground, 3A n/c, 4Avideo ground,5A blue video, 6A horizontal sync, 7A green video, 8A chrominance, 9A n/c,10A INC (???),11A unregulated DC voltage from power input, 12A n/c, 1B audio right, 2Baudio ground, 3Bvideo ground, 4B red video, 5B vertical sync, 6B n/c, 7B video ground, 8Bluminance, 9Bground, 10B video ground, 11B composite video, 12B n/c.Propriety connector.
Pinouts: 1 audio right, 2 audio ground, 3 SP-DIFdigital audio, 4vertical sync?, 5/6/7/8 ground, 9 video output A (blue), 10 video ground,11 video outputB (green), 12 video ground, 13 +5v, 14 audio left, 15 audio ground, 16horizontal sync?,17/18/19 video mode select (ground all three for RGB), 20 +12v (RGBStatus), 21 videoground, 22 video output C (red), 23 video ground, 24 video output D(composite video).Different audio/video configurations are selectable by maniplating thethree video modeselect pins (17, 18 and 19). See the for more info on this. The DC voltage on pin 20 willdrop to +5v forwidescreen mode.and finaly, the Resources- Gameconsole pinouts& modifications-interesting. japanese- gameconsole info- game consolemodifications and othercreations- modifications/fixes with lots of photosData sheets in PDF format for:- japanese- CXA1145 compatible- CXA1145 compatible (with Y/C driveroutput)- CXA1645 compatible (with no Y/Coutput), may bemistaken as SKA2195DChangelog26/6/15 - Corrected diagrams for Sega Saturn andSony Playstation.
Both has left and right audio swapped around.16/8/09 - Corrected text descriptions for Sega MasterSystem and SegaSaturn. Also added a note about audio/video separation.31/12/06 - Added a diagram for the Wii and corrected the SegaSaturn diagram (leftand right audio were swapped around). Also made a few minor changes to thepage.8/8/05 - Added diagrams for Atari Jaguar and MicrosoftXbox.1/7/05 - Added diagram for the Nintendo Gamecube.Added somedatasheets. Fixed an error in the NTSC and PAL SNES diagrams (had pins3&4 swapped onthe diagram).
I also modified the PAL SNES diagram a bit (the 12V outputdidn't supplyenough current to feed SCART pin 16). Thanks to David Bielen for theGamecube relatedinfo.18/5/05 - Fixed errors in megadrive/master system cable(had it drawnback-arsewards), neo geo (din 8 connector drawn incorrectly), and pal snes(missingresistor from video to ground). Info thanks to this.4/5/05 - Page created.