Wow Addon World Quest Tracker
Something nuisance-y has been occuring with the World Quest Tracker add-on for quite a few months that I have just put up with until now. It specifically concerns 5-man rare WQ groups. Let me walk through what happens.Normal WoW UI: A WQ that requires a group pops up under my quests. The green LFG eye next to it brings up the group finder and hitting “Start a Group” lists one automatically. Since there is no auto-accept button for 5-mans, sign-ups are accepted manually.
We've enabled Battle for Azeroth World Quest Tracking on Wowhead! The World Quests Page lists which quests are up for each zone, as well as the three Emissary Quests. You can further filter these quests to only show the quests that grant reputation for specific factions, or special types of World Quests (PvP, Profession, Battle Pet, Dungeon). We've enabled Battle for Azeroth World Quest Tracking on Wowhead! Navigate to the World Quest page.
A message displays that the group is full with 5 and is unlisted.However, with World Quest Tracker, it takes over control! It auto-invites like crazy and can sometimes convert to raid without asking, invite only a couple sign-ups, or not auto-invite at all. Trying to manually accept people while it’s auto-inviting makes it worse. It invites people so fast that WoW error messages spam my chat window with “Your party is full”, “Name is already in a group”, while my character keeps voicing “I can’t invite anyone else” (even though Error Speech is turned off in WoW settings). Is there a way to turn off World Quest Tracker’s auto-invite? Is there a fix staring me in the face that I just missed?Has anyone else experienced this?
This is likely over-explanatory, I just want to ensure that my question is understood. Sorry if it has been asked before!
As of r49 I'm having an issue using World Quest Tracker in conjunction with my UI's ObjectiveTracker frame. All my frame does is provide a drag and resize frame for the objective tracker, however, it seems your fix for MoveAnything, broke it with mine.The embeded addon in my UI that handles the objective tracker is 'rObjectiveTracker' by zork, i've made an issue ticket on hit github here:, I wondered if you could also take a look at the code and the issue and provide some input on how I can fix this on my end.Looks like the fix from @liquidbase fixed this issue, try r54 to confirm (beta). As of r49 I'm having an issue using World Quest Tracker in conjunction with my UI's ObjectiveTracker frame.
All my frame does is provide a drag and resize frame for the objective tracker, however, it seems your fix for MoveAnything, broke it with mine.The embeded addon in my UI that handles the objective tracker is 'rObjectiveTracker' by zork, i've made an issue ticket on hit github here:, I wondered if you could also take a look at the code and the issue and provide some input on how I can fix this on my end.looks like the GetPoint is returning nil on 'relativeTo', which is very weird.i need something to know if the objective tracker is attached to your frame and the frame name to attach to. As of r49 I'm having an issue using World Quest Tracker in conjunction with my UI's ObjectiveTracker frame.
All my frame does is provide a drag and resize frame for the objective tracker, however, it seems your fix for MoveAnything, broke it with mine.The embeded addon in my UI that handles the objective tracker is 'rObjectiveTracker' by zork, i've made an issue ticket on hit github here:, I wondered if you could also take a look at the code and the issue and provide some input on how I can fix this on my end. A small request to consider.
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Not even sure if the result is possible to acquire. I've leveled on rested XP and hit 110 with huge majority of regular zone quests undone. Now when I'm finishing them zone by zone, the world quests icons and original Blizz marks for available world quests totally clutter my map, I mean the brown dots with yellow exclamation marks, and are very confusing when checking up on particular regular quest on map. Perhaps an option to filter out everything except regular quests? IE untrack world quests and load them on demand when I actually feel like doing some.