Venator Class Star Destroyer 3d Model
I have ordered a Venator from Star Wars the Clone Wars from 3D Delight and have asked my friend Alex to. I couldn't find a printer friendly 3D model of the Venator Class Star Destroyer, so I made one.
This model has already won several international design competitions. You don’t have to be a Star Wars superfan to appreciate the skill and attention to detail to complete this intricate project. Sander’s 3 Year JourneySander currently works at a filament manufacturer in the Netherlands. He has worked with “at least 50 different 3D printer manufacturer brands” and estimates he has over 60,000 hours of 3D printing experience between his work and home projects.
With his extensive 3D printing experience and a passion for building custom PCs, he embarked on what turned into an epic 3 year project.Sander’s goal was to build the entire YAZI – Venator Class Star Destroyer by hand with all the plastic work done with sheets of styrene. He quickly realized he was not going to achieve the level of detail that he wanted and decided to purchased his own CNC, laser, and 3D printer to improve quality. The YAZI is built upon an aluminum laser-cut frame that helps guarantee stability with all the hardware generating heat inside the 3D printed parts. The aluminum sheets were then bent and placed upon a stainless steel stand. After completing the frame and stand, it was time to start the 3D printing sections.
Sander used his LulzBot TAZ 5 to 3D print his parts using 0.2mm layers of mostly PLA filament at 50mm/s. Sander estimates that the ship took over 300 print hours to complete!After installing all of the 3D printed parts Sander then ran around 300 feet of fiber optic cable, painted the entire ship, and installed the high spec PC inside. Once the project was finally complete it was immediately shipped to Las Vegas to be featured at CES, one of the largest tech shows in the world. The video below is an interview with Sander at CES 2016, explaining the ins-and-outs of his YAZI – Venator Class Star Destroyer.
His favorite features include:. Support Structures: “My work is most recognized by the fact that the prints get better the closer you look at them. Nothing beats Simplify3D in its ability to provide and place supports where and how you need them.”. Multiple Process Feature Inside a Single Print: “This is the absolute money maker for me in Simplify3D. In fact, it’s so quick and easy, I do a speed and temp test at home before I start a big 30 hour print. It has saved me from expensive and annoying misprints.”. His advice for any “young padawan” maker out there is “Remember, a high-end printer can certainly help, but it is the guy or girl working the printer and understanding how the printed material behaves that makes the beautiful prints.” At Simplify3D, we couldn’t agree more and that is why we are committed to providing so our community can continue to get the most out of their 3D printers.
We would like to wish everyone a happy Star Wars day and may the fourth be with you!Be sure to check out Sander’s for even more details and keep an eye on his new for future projects. If you’re ready to start 3D printing your own Star Wars models our recent blog posts, and feature several of the top Star Wars models out there.At Simplify3D we love highlighting these inspiring projects with the community! If you have 3D printed your own Star Wars Model, or have another project you want to share, send us your story at.
Contents.Summary The following is a list of various Freighter-Archetype discovered by different players during the Beyond/Synthesis/Living Ship/ExoMech eras.For a list of all ship types, refer to the.Remember that each starship is available in all class grades, so it is important to know which design is best suited to you when looking for a new starship.Description Ships of this type are considerably more expensive than any other type of starship. Freighter prices are based on slot count and multiplied by class.Inventory Regular Freighters have 15-19 slots and a price range of 5M to 23M from C to S class. Capital Freighters have 24-34 slots and a price range of 26.15M to 178M from C to S class. Freighters contain an incredible amount of inventory space and can be used as a mobile base, including and other base-related functions.Catalogues The tables below are alphabetically sorted by subtype, galaxy, region, and ship name. If a ship lacks coordinates, enter them if possible. Venator-Design (small)This unique design seems to be a nod to the Imperial Star Destroyer of the Star Wars Universe. Unlike the elongated medium and large version of this design, the small version has a striking resemblence to its original inspiration, down to the non triangular shape of its nose.The Venator-Design has a basic defense of two turrets on its upper left and right per mid-section.
Added to this are one slightly displaced turret on the forward midsection and another turret on the upper tip of the bow. The lower bow comes with two forward turrets, left and right respectively. Like the Sentinel-Design, the bow has 4 turrets in total and each midsection has 2. For each elongation of the Venator-Design another turret gets added below for their suborbital defense with even more extra being added alongside a military keel AND a cargo unit each. This can result in a Resurgent-class fielding up to 20 turrets, more than any freighter in the universe. Due to the inconsistent placement of the turrets, it is near impossible to line more than a handful of turrets to prevent them from firing, making the Venator-Design the one with fewer flaws in its defense. Attack from the lower back to minimize hostile fire!Imperial-class.
Venator-Design (large)The Resurgent-class Star Destroyer is the biggest known variant of the Venator-Design Star Destroyers. They all have a huge midsection and 6 indentations, instead of 4 or 2. Most freighters look like dwarves near this beast.Don't ever make the mistake, these ships are no basic freighters and are no quick haul!
Like its pendant, the Resurgent battleship is a terrifying foe in battle. While it disregards most of its lower plane defense, its frontside and broadside potential is outright insane.The entrance to the hangars is protected by 6 turrets aligned in three rows on both sides. Meanwhile the frontside has another 6 turrets with an extra bow turret on the tip and a middle turret on the first row, giving it 8 turrets for forward and 6 for aft (rear) defense. Below the Resurgent, it foregoes defense of the back with only one turret and doubles down on the front with two, as well as possessing three centrally mounted turrets, two in front of the under hull cargo pods and one in between them. Thus the ship comes down to a total of 20 turrets if it comes equipped with a military keel.
Roughly 15 are able to shoot at mid and far broadside distance at targets at all times. The number fluctuates due to the obstructing elements on the ships top and bottom. Not all turrets are mounted above or below the ships actual plane of sight.A Resurgent battleship can dominate any non-close encounter with its broadsides. Fighter squadrons are advised to attack from below and behind.Sentinel-class. Sentinel-classUnlike the Star Destroyers, the Sentinel-Design is reminiscent of the gothic sci-fi design of Warhammer 40k. In particular it is a mix of the bow and superstructures and the general shape of the. No matter its inspiration, it offers players a clear choice for their capital ship with a hugely different design.This design is also the official carrier of the armada in No Man's Sky.
However, other races are using them as well and offer the player to purchase them after a successful battle. The smallest visual version has 3 midsections, but can also show with 2 pairs of additional cargo pods. Sentinel Class - Tier 2Sentinel-class capital ships have a pair of turrets on either side of the bow, one mounted on top of the bows midsection and another on its lower fang. Further turrets are mounted on either side of each mid-section in its respective centre. This position is elevated and allows to fire in an angle to reach the upper and lower planes partially. Each turret rotates and can fire from long range, making them a challenging fight.
Because of the rather thin shape of the ship and the turrets great positions, the only viable angle of attack is from behind. Often these ships come with some protrusion in between the turrets. If lined from behind the ship can be attacked and disarmed without facing the bow turrets. Even without the protrusions, an attacker can line up the turrets to block each other. A chance to install them with a slight variation in position was missed, turning the turrets themselves into obstacles. It is possible to make a backstrike to gain safe access to some of the cargo units below any Sentinel-Design ship this way. This fatal design flaw of lining all turrets makes it actually weaker than the Star Destroyers if abused properly.Battleship-class.
Dreadnought Class - Tier 3Regular Unlike the capital freighters, regular freighters don't have static designs. They are assembled from a random combination of stern, midsection, bow and keel, all of which are independent of race. While their most distinct part is the bow, there are also some versions that seem to only consist of a stern and midsections of varying size with no bow or keel at all. While all bows retain the standard front side turret or add a second one, only the huge defensive platform below serves as a military module for the keel and is thus part of a proper military freighter. The military keel turns blind-sided freighters like the Enterprise-class or the Cargo-class into more dangerous foes as it removes its weakness.
Others like the Hammerhead-class gain a huge 3-turret alpha strike angle.Basic Threat Level (no keel). Blade-class FreighterThe Blade-class freighter appears to be one of the standard models, due to its frequency. Its main feature is the giant bow in the shape of a tapered blade, which normally takes up more than its height.
In general the blade is affixed to the right side of a freighter.The blade has a turret affixed to its right side. Together with the top gun, this covers its entire top and right flank. This however still leaves the forward area of its lower left undefended, leading to a 270° coverage. Verb games ks1. The military capacity of the Blade-class lies solely in convoys with several ships shielding each others left in diametrical formation of a cube.
It trades coverage for firepower.Cargo-class. Cuboid Cargo-class FreighterA Cargo-class freighter marks the most basic design a regular freighter can have. It has no bow and simply consists of a rear and midsection with a varying bridge design. This class can be further differentiated by the shape of its midsection showing an Underbite design or an Overbite design. If both roughly align it is a Cuboid design. Even though the different cargo section designs are most prominent here, the difference between the spherical and cuboid containers is only cosmetic from a gameplay sense and does not affect the goods that they can carry.Contrary to expectation, the Cargo-class can be heavily defended. A missing bow doesn't shield the cargo or frontal area from direct attacks, but in return offers free aim.
The deadly variants are the Underbite and the Cuboid as those have one turret at the end of each of their cargo rows. For a Cuboid cargo freighter this means concentrated firepower along its topside and for an Underbite freighter this means forward defense and defense of the bridge respectively for the topside.
These heavily defended cargo freighters might better be avoided by pirates in favor of the weakly defended Overbite freighter, which only has one topside turret.Centrifuge-class. Centrifuge-class FreighterA Centrifuge-class freighter is classified by its more realistic design for the bow.
Unlike other freighters, this class has a habitable module in front of its cargo unit. Due to its constant rotation, artificial gravity is produced and supports an environment for plants to grow upwards and for humans to live without atrophy.
This design is also similar to the Crashed Freighters seen on most planets.Unlike other civil freighters this design is completely defenseless. The only way a turret can be mounted is on Centrifuge-class freighters with a military keel. This weakness is a plausible explanation for why they make up such a large share of crashed freighters.Enterprise-class. Enterprise-class FreighterThe design of the Enterprise-class bears striking similarity to the saucer section of some ships in the Star Trek universe. Its bow is a plate with two turrets on its upper plane on the left and right and could thus also be referred to as a Disc-class ship. These turrets are separated by a protruding bridge, a concept not seen in early Star Trek Federation ships. This protruding bridge is seen in the Intrepid-class of the and the of the Next Generation series.Due to the obstruction in sight, the two turrets lose most of their alpha strike potential on a neutral plane during a left or right attack.
They still retain their ability to combine their attack for any other vector from the front, back or upper plane. Yet, the real flaw of the Enterprise-class lies below. Without a military keel it is downright defenseless without an escort fleet. This flaw makes it one of the weaker military freighters without a keel to protect it.
Attacks from below on non-militarized freighters are more than encouraged. However, if an Enterprise-class ship has a military keel it has no weakspot and a decent broadside capability on mid and far range to the left and the right. It is no match for a Hammerhead-class though.Galleon-class. Galleon-class FreighterAs one of the more dangerous freighters, the Galleon-class unites beauty and firepower in one vessel. The entire design leans heavily on seafaring ships and copies the general shape down to a symbolic front mast.
Its symbolic galleon figure is another deadly turret with a huge aiming angle along the bow's shape. This turret is accompanied by a topside turret in the centre of the bow.Among the four military freighters the Galleon-class is the only one to abandon its rear defense and instead focuses all might of its alpha strike on a frontal assault. This not only allows it a smaller profile during frontside engagements, it also offers the chance to cover the entire ship in basic air defense with a military keel. A military keel Galleon-class freighter has a near 360° coverage in all directions. Even without the keel it still has a solid 300° grid.
However its alpha strike grid is a meager 90° in close combat up to around 200° in far distance combat. A fully equipped war galleon (3 turrets) would only have alpha strike potential on far distance targets and only for 90°, with 45° each to the frontside from its left and right.Hammerhead-class. Hammerhead-class FreighterUnlike most other freighters, the Hammerhead-class can be seen as a military vessel. It also is one of the most common freighters in the game. The name stems from the thick head that has two thinner fins parietal to its bow.If accompanied by a proper defense platform for its keel to support its lower plane defense, it is one of the most dangerous ships to be attacked. Its complementary variant is the Revolver-class. The hammerhead not only serves as a massive defensive and well armored structure to defend the cargo units behind it, it also boasts two elevated turrets, one on the upper and one on the lower side of the bow.
Send mail using smtp in php example download. This not only allows for 180° of coverage for the top and down plane, but also allows both to concentrate fire alongside the hammerhead fin diagonals. The Hammerhead-class excels in broadside and high range frontside battle. With a military keel it also dominates the lower plane battlefield. It is advised to attack a Hammerhead-class from the top.Iris-class. Iris-class FreighterAn Iris-class freighter is a variation of the Oculus-class.
Seen and documented for the Delta and Gamma Quadrant after its sister class, this special version of the largest freighter shares all its major features down to the detachable unit with turrets on the top- and downside of the cross section. Instead of a full-blown sphere, this version only has a disc-shaped and rotating aft. The name stems from the design as a small pupil is surrounded by a major dark region symbolizing an iris and finally surrounded by a brighter outer layer for the symbolic eyeball. Unlike the Oculus-class, this version of the stern has neither the space nor the solar cells to be fully viable as a spaceship on its own.Oculus-class. Oculus-class FreighterThe Oculus-class is the biggest known regular freighter and likely a tribute to the ship from 2001: A Space Odyssey. The Oculus' bow has an extra engine unit and huge space for internals in its sphere.
In theory it could function like a detachable module for an independent spaceship. Gameplay-wise, however, it does not offer more space than other regular freighters. To enhance the detachable unit's self-sufficient capabilities, it's also equipped with four solar energy modules around the oculus and a turret on the top and bottom of the connector section respectively. It was most commonly seen in the Alpha Quadrant.Revolver-class. Revolver-class FreighterThe main feature of the Revolver-class is the cylinder-shaped bow with an indentation between its two main rings.
It fields two gun turrets on the sides of the frontal ring. Even though its inner mechanics are shown at the front as two diametrically running gears, the outer hull can and does not turn. This weakens its military potential by leaving the turrets' positions fixed rather than them being able to rotate with that platform.Where Hammerhead-class specializes in broadside engagements, the Revolver-class excels in vertical combat with both turrets affixed to the bow's side.
While the bow lacks the small profile of the hammerhead and thus obscures concentrated fire near the freighter itself, mid to far range engagements allow a concentrated attack. Meanwhile the bow also allows flexibility for frontside engagements. Unlike the Hammerhead-class these frontside alpha engagements are not limited to far distances due to the guns position at the front of the revolver. However, the hammerhead protects their guns with a backrow position from most direct fire with its profile. Here they are more prone to being hit and consequently destroyed as they are fully out in the open.Combined with a military keel, the plane below a Revolver-class freighter can turn into a killing field of three gun turrets. Its weakness are pirates and pilots that close the distance to the bow and attack from its own deadzone.
This can be achieved from the left or right, especially without a military keel defending either vector. Regardless of the keel, a top left or top right approach is always advised.Hyperdrive Upgrades Freighters can be upgraded with the following upgrades:.: +200 ly.: +300 ly.: +800 ly.: Red system, +50 ly.: Green system, +50 ly.: Blue system, +50 lyRelease history. Since 1.3 freighter prices are based on their slot count and multiplied by class. Prior to 1.5, due to the limitations of portal travel and the constant change of the homeplanet to call the ship, it was the only way a portal traveller could own a permanent base.References.