Minecraft Assassins Creed Adventure Map
Huge Update (v1.6):-Fixed some things around the Battlements in the Tutorial Mission.-Fixed the items in the Shop so you won't be able to pick them up off the shelves.-Added a song called Ar Eirinn Ni Neosfainn Ce Hi sung by to the first ending cutscene in the Bonus Mission. Also added an applause effect to the same cutscene. Credit goes to for the applause sound effect.-Added birds chirping and outdoor noises to the second ending cutscene in the Bonus Mission. Also, added a songcalled by Kevin Macleod.-Added a hunger command to one part of the Bonus Mission.-Added a song called by Kevin Macleod to the third cutscene in the Bonus Mission.-Corrected a spelling error in the Credits of the map. Also, added a songs section to the Credits in the map. And added a song to play during the credits called The Parting Glass sung by.-Made certain custom player heads work in the Bonus Mission.-Corrected link (in the Bonus Room) for one of the rewards for finding a certain number of Orbs in the missions.-Added a link to the forum post in the Mapmaker's Room.Post Update:-Added a Reviews and Lets-Plays section to the map thread.
Feb 21, 2016 Nomscorch maps are detailed parkour/adventure maps purely based off the famous Assassin's Creed game series. As much detail and depth in the cities are in the parkour routes and courses, which are fun and addictive. See the 'spoiler' tab for more information on maps and download links. Assassin's Creed Revelations Constantinople. Assassin’s Creed 2 Florence Adventure Florence is a city in central Italy and also where the game takes plays in Assassin’s Creed 2 where you play as an assassin in an ancient city completeing murderous tasks for people. The Minecraft PE version of the game isn’t as violent as the quests in the game surround more friendly quests like.
A review of the map by was added to the new section. Vote on his video for him to do a whole playthrough of the map!-Added four more songs to the Credits section of the map thread. Hey everyone, just a few things I wanted to say:-If you have any lets-plays you've made of the map, please let me know!
I'd really like to see them. So far no one has made a complete playthrough of the map. So it would be awesome if someone did.
Also, when someone makes a lets-play, I can see (through watching the video) if there are any errors in the map, so it helps in that way too.-One other thing, I just wanted to thank the people who have viewed this map and downloaded it. I am so amazed that 1,205 people (so far) took the time out of their day to download this, even though they didn't have to. It was all worth it to make the map. For a while I wasn't sure I was going to release the map because of so many complications that came near the end of the mapmaking process (mostly errors that took so much time to fix and also a copyright obstacle) but thankfully we pulled through and this is the result!Thanks again everyone and I hope you are enjoying the map!-IsaacJohn. Quote fromHey man! Thanks so much for making a lets-play. It was so fun to watch!
I especially loved the character voices, especially the old man Kepler one you did. I can't wait to see more episodes (if that's what you are planning on doing). In the video, you had a few suggestions to make the map better.-I now added checkpoints in the tutorial mission (will be in the next update).Thanks for your ideas!
And again, loved the video, and hope to see more!Thanks, I'm very glad that you enjoyed it! Haha yea, I like doing the character voices a lot. I try to give each a different voice as much as possible too.I definitely am doing more episodes for sure! I have quite a few lined up! It turns out that I had time today, so I'll review your map right now.THE RUBRICFun Factor: Was the map fun to play?-30 pointsDecorations and Design: Was the map well decorated?-20 pointsUniquity: Was the map unique?-10 pointsDifficulty Balance: Was the map well balanced difficulty-wise? (are there are huge difficulty spikes that are annoying, etc.)-20 pointsStory/Roleplay: Was the story/roleplay part made well?
Was it intriguing and interesting?-10 pointsSmoothness: Was the map smooth to play and complete?-10 pointsOverall: Was the map good? Did I enjoy it?-100 points0-10 points: Terrible11-20 points: Very Bad21-30 points: Bad31-40 points: Decent41-50 points: Average51-60 points: Above Average61-70 points: Good71-80 points: Very Good81-90 points: Excellent91-99 points: Legendary100 points: Perfection to the UltimateWHAT YOU SCOREDFun Factor: 28/30Decorations and Design: 18/20Uniquity: 7/10Difficulty Balance: 18/20Story/Roleplay: 8/10Smoothness: 8/10Overall: 87/100-ExcellentThe map was very good, but there were a few things that could be better. It was mostly fun, with occasional tiny lapses.
The design was very well made, although I would have filled up some places with a little more than just trees and houses of similar looks. The map was very unique, but I had to dock points because of the whole Assassin's Creed theme (this theme has been used lots of times). It was well balanced difficulty-wise and the story was enticing. The map was smooth, and I enjoyed playing this map.Congratulations, this is a very good map.
I have recommended it to all of my friends, and I think you did a great job on it!Make more maps in the future, I think this is just the start of a legendary map creator. It turns out that I had time today, so I'll review your map right now.THE RUBRICFun Factor: Was the map fun to play?-30 pointsDecorations and Design: Was the map well decorated?-20 pointsUniquity: Was the map unique?-10 pointsDifficulty Balance: Was the map well balanced difficulty-wise?
(are there are huge difficulty spikes that are annoying, etc.)-20 pointsStory/Roleplay: Was the story/roleplay part made well? Was it intriguing and interesting?-10 pointsSmoothness: Was the map smooth to play and complete?-10 pointsOverall: Was the map good?
Did I enjoy it?-100 points0-10 points: Terrible11-20 points: Very Bad21-30 points: Bad31-40 points: Decent41-50 points: Average51-60 points: Above Average61-70 points: Good71-80 points: Very Good81-90 points: Excellent91-99 points: Legendary100 points: Perfection to the UltimateWHAT YOU SCOREDFun Factor: 28/30Decorations and Design: 18/20Uniquity: 7/10Difficulty Balance: 18/20Story/Roleplay: 8/10Smoothness: 8/10Overall: 87/100-ExcellentThe map was very good, but there were a few things that could be better. It was mostly fun, with occasional tiny lapses. The design was very well made, although I would have filled up some places with a little more than just trees and houses of similar looks. The map was very unique, but I had to dock points because of the whole Assassin's Creed theme (this theme has been used lots of times).
It was well balanced difficulty-wise and the story was enticing. The map was smooth, and I enjoyed playing this map.Congratulations, this is a very good map. I have recommended it to all of my friends, and I think you did a great job on it!Make more maps in the future, I think this is just the start of a legendary map creator.Hey Gamerichie! I'm so sorry for not responding sooner (I hope you see this!), I just wanted to let you know that I loved your honest review of the map.
I will try to write a longer response to your review when I get the time. Thanks again for the review!
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